Friday, 22 April 2011

Kath Kidston Bag and Cupcakes

In an older post I showed you my new book for sewing. The book came with a project, which is this bag that I have finished.
The bag is not as big as I expected, it's just enough to put your basics in or lunch. It will be awhile before I can do any more sewing as my machine has broken and I need a new one. I have found one I like but I think that will have to go on my Christmas wish list.
Yesterday I made cupcakes to take to church tonight, we have a guest speaker coming, Terry Law, he will be at our church tonight at 7pm if your interested in coming.

The cupcakes are Mint Chocolate Chip with mint flavour frosting and a few choc chips on top, I also coloured the frosting a light mint green. They taste great, made a few extra for the weekend.

Monday, 18 April 2011

A Card for Pastor

It was our Pastors 6oth Birthday last week, so I thought I would make a special card from our Care Group in church. I spent the day at my friend Suzie, here is her blog we used some lovely stamps that she has and templates. I made a load of embellishments to take home, I figure the cowboy would be good for the card. The bottom picture is the inside.

Here is a close up of the front of the card, kinda of sunset look.
And here we have it, not to bad.

Spring in the Park

Here we are in Nowton Park, we had a lovely day with friends from church, some of us brought a picnic, and me being a Brit. brought flasks of water for tea and coffee. We played games and went for a walk. Need to plan another day like this again.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Nan's Visit

My husband and I had a nice visit with my Gran and my Mum, they loved their Mothers Day gifts. We surprised my Nan as she was not expecting us, she got caught fast asleep while knitting a baby coat and watching TV, Nan knits baby blankets and clothes to send off to Africa. Doing something with her hand keeps her mind working she is 91 years old and still sharp as ever. In this photo she is wearing the broach that I made for, I know she will keep it as I have noticed other things that I have made for her are around her flat.

I like this picture and made it black and white, just wish I was slimmer.

Mothers Day Gift

Well its Mothers Day tomorrow and we are off to Ipswich to visit my mum and grandmother, so these are the gifts that I have made for them.
This is a toilet roll scrap book which I have made into a card, I have tried to make it Victorian.
Tags go inside the loo tubes, I have put a poem on each side of the tag.
All the sides are embellished.
This is a fabric broach that I have made this morning for my nan, you can get the tutorial from here
It was easy, you just need scraps of fabric, strong thread, fabric glue, felt,button,sewing machine and matching thread and a broach pin.