Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Christmas Tree Decoration #9

Here is this weeks challenge for a tree decoration, I used a template from Brenda Quintana.com
so its not something I came up for myself, its a triangle box that you can fill with small chocolates, I plan to to do this at Christmas to coordinate with my tree and not buy the novelty sweets from the shops, as I have 3 teenagers I thought I would do something more grown up.

Materials are;
thick pattern paper with gold snowflakes on.
snowflake embellishment.
gold gel pen for centre of snowflakes.
gold tie for putting on tree
Best Wishes foil sticker


Anonymous said...

fab idea!!! xx jo xx

Anne said...

Oooh, I love boxes of all shapes and sizes - this is fabulous and great colours! Thank You so much for playing along with us again! :o) x

suezie said...

Hey these turned out really cute didn't they. I like your decoration beter than the ones we made for CW last year - much nicer.