This ABC is cute, you press a button and it lights up, if you look at the B that is lighted up, little welcome block on the corner there.
Here is one of the pages with the shirt on.

Yesterday I made one the girls a brag book for her new baby that she is having next month, hopefully she will get inspired to start her own book for her family, wished the supplies was around when my boy's was little. On one of the pages I put a little shirt that I made, Luca the dad is from the Islands, in the summer we see him dressed in shorts and his Hawaiian shirts, his saying is "you can take the boy from the Islands but you can't take the Island from the boy".
1 comment:
Hi Eunice
Thank for leaving em a message.
It was good to meet you and your hubby Saturday. As you probably realised I am a bit lost when it comes to Tildas, but we got there in the end. Hope you ahve enjoyed playing with your new stash.
This is a lovelt baby book here,tot something I have ever tried - one day when I have time to spare.
B x
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