xx Eunice
Friday, 2 December 2011
Merry christmas
Sorry folks for not being on my blog for a while, with me know working I don't have time to craft much or blog, the store is busy which makes the day go so quickly. For this weekend I am going to Lincoln Christmas Market with 4 ladies from church, looking forward to it, will try to remember to take my camera. So will chat later.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Operation Christmas Child
I just want to promote this worthy cause. We have been doing this since our two older boys were in middle school, I remember they took a box each, now we do one box for a teenager age for boys. I would like to encourage you all to pick up a shoe box and fill it with things for Christmas.
Here is a link for all the information you need. Be blessed we are every time we do this.
love Eunice
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Hobbycraft Store
I just went to Hobbycraft website and found out they are opening a superstore in Cambridge, they will open on Wednesday 2nd November 2011, store hours are 9am to 8pm Mon-Sat with the Sunday being 10 till 4. The IP code for those with a SAT NAV are CB1 3ET Beehive Retail Park, I looked at Google Maps and its easy to get there, about 35 min drive from Bury St Edmunds. Also if you go to their website and subscribe to their e-letter you get a voucher to download £5 off on a £25 shop either in-store or on-line.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Towel for Christmas Gifts
A nice crisp sunny day today, a walk with the dog later.
Yesterday I had some spare time for me after vaxing the living room carpet and other chores, I was able to rustle up some quick gifts for Christmas, this one is soooo simple.
Hand towels that have a band across so that you can sew wide ribbon across the width of towel. I picked up the towels when they were on offer at the supermarket, the ribbon was from the stall on the market opposite Boots the Chemists.
1 pair of hand or guest towels
wide ribbon, I used 2m length for mine, so measure your towels first.
matching thread
sewing machine.
Friday, 14 October 2011
More Tissue Covers and Slipper Boots
Well I did these a few weeks ago, came out a bit too big, so I think they will fit my Sisters feet, that's one of them nearly sorted. I am in the proces of making another pair using the left overs from the socks I made, also I am knitting a scarf for a male, not sure if its for a brother-in-law, hubby or off to who knows where with Samaritan Purse charity. We will have to wait and see.
So this afternoon I finished my Pocket tissue holders, I made 25 and have already given one away. These are going to be given out over Christmas, mmm who to give, another wait and see. Still have a few more things I want to sew up before I start my new job also the paper craft stuff to finish for gifts and still the scrapbook to update too. busy busy busy.
See you next time, have a good weekend, looks like the weather is picking up alittle.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Little Christmas Gifts
Hi folks yesterday I was inspired by my friend Suzie on what to do with scrap fabric, a couple of years ago I had purchased a bundle of scrap fabric. So in the afternoon I had found a website to make pocket tissue holders.
It's really easy you just need 5 1/2"x 6 1/2" printed fabric and 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" coordinating fabric to make one holder, the only thing was I had purchased tissues from Asda and they don't open on the flat size so I will have to get the Kleenex brand.
More to follow, I have some Christmas fabric to use that was from a quilting range.
I hope you are all inspired to make some home make gifts this Christmas. I have stated to stock up on cupboard ingredients to make Stollen which went well last year and I also plan to make Christmas Jam.
Some good new is I have been offered a job that I originally got turned down for, I will be working for Dunelm Mill, I will start on the 2nd Nov with the store opening on the Thursday 17th November,I believe that is when Bury switches its Christmas lights on. I shall be working 20hrs a week with some weekend work, hopefully not every weekend. Here is their website for a sneak peek of what might be in Bury St Edmunds.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Socks and more
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a good summer, if you can call it a summer. Boys are back to school,college and work now so Lily ( dog ) and I have the house to ourselves. I did not get to do much in the way of crafting over summer, but we did do was some gardening, decorating and fellowship. I have managed to knitt my self some socks, first time doing this. I've had an interview for a job but did not get it so its back to the grind of finding another one to apply for. Yuk. My friend Tracy and I went blackberry picking so I made 5 jars of jam, need to make so other types of jam soon, oh and already talking Christmas well just a little.
With the decorating which is still in progress my husband Julio bought me some Thomas Kinkade border to go in the dining room, alway wanted one of his borders in the house, mmm may have to do the living room too. Here are three pics, of most of what the border looks like, I printed these pics so has to make something else with not sure what as yet.
May have to retake once I know what to do, maybe blow one up for a wall picture.
So here I am with my new socks and waiting for pay day so I can buy some more yarn and needles to make cosy socks, if they turn out ok then some will be for Christmas gifts. It has taken about 2 weeks to get these done, better than watching DVDs we don't watch TV at the moment. There is a lovely wool shop in Bury St Edmunds on the Angel Hill, the shop reminds me of Debbie Macombers http://debbiemacomber.com/ book A Good Yarn, that is what inspired me to knit again. I have read most of her books in the Cedar Cove Series, the local library stocks her books but you have to order has they are popular. The Good Yarn book comes from her Blossom Street Series, you can get a listing from the above link.
Craft group is back on at Brandon and Christchurch churches so I hope to see you at one of them, no projects being taught at the moment, I may teach one Christmas one, I want to spend more time doing my own craft work. See you all real soon.
Eunice xxx
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Friday, 1 July 2011
Flowers in the Garden
Iv'e not done much in crafting this month so I thought I would put some photos of flowers in the garden.
Yellow rose bush.
Light pink Hollyhock.
Peach Hollyhock.
White Holllyhock.
And lastly a deep pink Hollyhock. I think I shall be looking out for other colours of Hollyhocks to go into the garden. Have a blessed weekend.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Envelope Scrapbook
Well it's been awhile since I loaded up something on my blog, a whole month I think. This week I found this tutorial using 6 long envelopes, it called for 10" size but I could not find any here in the UK so I am using DL size, just a 1/4" too short. You can use coloured envelops, they have them at Paper Chase @ 50p each, I chose regular brown or you can use white.
This is going to be this month project at Brandon.
I have used K&Co double side paper, they look like old fashioned wall paper. Inside you have two pockets with tags inside, one of the pockets has a flap.
You get 12 pockets to use and decorate, a lot of room to put photos and journalling.
Two chipboard's are decorated for the cover tied up all together with ribbon. I will add the link to the tutorial later as I am on my laptop, I saved the link on the PC.
This looks like its going to be a birthday gift, hmmmmm come to think of it I will have to make another one for someone's birthday next month
Friday, 22 April 2011
Kath Kidston Bag and Cupcakes
In an older post I showed you my new book for sewing. The book came with a project, which is this bag that I have finished.
The bag is not as big as I expected, it's just enough to put your basics in or lunch. It will be awhile before I can do any more sewing as my machine has broken and I need a new one. I have found one I like but I think that will have to go on my Christmas wish list.
Yesterday I made cupcakes to take to church tonight, we have a guest speaker coming, Terry Law, he will be at our church tonight at 7pm if your interested in coming.
Monday, 18 April 2011
A Card for Pastor
It was our Pastors 6oth Birthday last week, so I thought I would make a special card from our Care Group in church. I spent the day at my friend Suzie, here is her blog http://nothinsayslovin.blogspot.com/ we used some lovely stamps that she has and templates. I made a load of embellishments to take home, I figure the cowboy would be good for the card. The bottom picture is the inside.
Here is a close up of the front of the card, kinda of sunset look.
And here we have it, not to bad.
Spring in the Park
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Nan's Visit
My husband and I had a nice visit with my Gran and my Mum, they loved their Mothers Day gifts. We surprised my Nan as she was not expecting us, she got caught fast asleep while knitting a baby coat and watching TV, Nan knits baby blankets and clothes to send off to Africa. Doing something with her hand keeps her mind working she is 91 years old and still sharp as ever. In this photo she is wearing the broach that I made for, I know she will keep it as I have noticed other things that I have made for her are around her flat.
I like this picture and made it black and white, just wish I was slimmer.
Mothers Day Gift
Well its Mothers Day tomorrow and we are off to Ipswich to visit my mum and grandmother, so these are the gifts that I have made for them.
This is a toilet roll scrap book which I have made into a card, I have tried to make it Victorian.
Tags go inside the loo tubes, I have put a poem on each side of the tag.
All the sides are embellished.
This is a fabric broach that I have made this morning for my nan, you can get the tutorial from here http://sewritzytitzy.blogspot.com/2008/11/from-annas-gardenfabric-flower-tutorial.html
It was easy, you just need scraps of fabric, strong thread, fabric glue, felt,button,sewing machine and matching thread and a broach pin.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Cath Kidston
I just want to share what I got in the post this morning. SEW by Cath Kidston, the book has over 40 projects with patterns, templates,instructions and a free gift. A shoulder bag kit, my friend Tracy has one and we going to sew our projects together at some point. The book is available at www.amazon.co. uk and cost £6.99, that is a bargain as it costs alot more in the shops.
I am looking forward to doing some of the projects for Christmas Gifts and for my self.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Craft Room
I was just blog hopping today and found this site,http://paisleypassions.blogspot.com/2011/03/craft-room.html
You should see her craft room. Apparently is was untidy so there are photos of that, then there are photos of the room all cleaned up, and ohhhhhhh and ahhhh, the room is a crafters delight.
My craft supplies are all over the place, it gets to be a pain to keep unpacking and putting away all the time. O well one day I hope to have a craft room.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Leaders Weekend Away
Leaders Weekend Away
At the weekend my husband and I went away to a leaders retreat with out church. We stayed in a lovely place called the Mill House in Norfolk somewhere. We went Friday to Sunday morning,the picture below is our bedroom,There were lots of rooms in this place, which was great as there were 12 of us all together.
Below is some of the grounds with geese and swans.
Here is a few of the mill, it is not longer used, the owner is in his 80s and no longer able to do the up keep of the mill. The whiter part of the picture is a newer house where I believe the owner lives.
Another view of the mill.
This is the old house, it is long rather than wide. The owner was born in this house, inside there are photos of him as young lad, and other family members in the hay day of this mill.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Gifts for Christmas/ Market Bags
Remember my last post, the one with the Christmas Bag. Wellllllllllllll I have made 2 more. I had this floral fabric upstairs and I bought some lining fabric to match. This time I strengthened the bottom of the bag with some iron on facing.
The second bag I decided to make an embellishment, a yo yo ring from the lining fabric, and I covered an old button with the floral fabric.
Doing some sewing has got me looking for a new sewing machine as mine is old and cranky, a little like me at times. I have been looking for patterns for the next challenge. I have found some free ones on the web, just gotta pick one. See you later folks
Monday, 21 February 2011
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Market Bag
Here is a bag that I made today, it is part of a challenge that I found over at http://nothinsayslovin.blogspot.com/ . The challenge is to make something for Christmas, here is the link http://sewnwithgrace.blogspot.com/. The challenge is on the 3rd Monday of each month, I believe the next one is this Monday. There are no instructions on how to make the bag, you have to google market bag patterns.
As I was pleased of how the bag turned out I will have to make some more.
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